Jun 13Liked by Arthur Snell

Let's keep our fingers crossed. Looking at the polls results in 2004 Kerry was constantly ahead until the end of August. August was the months when the campaign of swift-boating Kerry came into full swing. It went downhill from then.

I doubt there will be any possibility to hurt the convicted felon with any revelations – true or false – concerning his character, policies, whatever. He is a mobster, a psychopath, a rapist, a philanderer, a serial liar (sorry, a proponent of alternative facts), a misoginist, an insurrectionist, an autocrat with the declared intention to end democracy in the US.

And this guy has a decent chance to return to the White House (ok, admittedly with the help of the undemocratic electoral system)! Given the obvious mental state of a large segment of the electorate the only possibility seems to be a 'smear campaign', where Democrats depict the candidate as an actually decent, sane and sensible guy, working tirelessly for the good of the American people and upholding democratic values.

THAT might hurt him with the deplorables. But who would believe them?

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Jun 13Liked by Arthur Snell

Yes, the media and political establishment have forgotten how extreme GWB was compared to previous Republicans (like his Dad)

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Scaramucci still thinks Biden will win on the basis that Trump will overreach or mess up badly. At least that’s based on someone who knows the man.

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